Immunization Requirements
DTP/DTaP/Td (5 Doses) Diphtheira, tetanus & pertussis/tetanus diphtheria vaccine. A 5th dose of DTP/DTaP is not required if 4th dose is administered on or after the 4th birthday.
Td/Tdap (1 Dose) An adolescent Td (tetanus diphtheria) booster is required for all 7th grade students who have not received a booster shot during the previous 5 years. Students 8th-12 grades are required to have the age-appropriate series completed plus one additional Td booster.
Polio (4 Doses) The final dose must be given on or after the 4th birthday even if this means a 5th dose. If IPV or OPV only were used, 3 doses is considered a complete series if the 3rd dose is given on or after the 4th birthday. A combination OPV/IPV requires 4 doses for a complete series.
MMR (2 Doses) Measles, mumps & rubella vaccine with first dose given on or after the 1st birthday.
Hepatitis B (3 Doses) Series of three vaccinations given over a 6 month period of time.
Varicella (2 doses) Series of two doses given 3 months after the first dose if 7 to 11 years of age. If over 12 years of age, second dose is given 28 days after the first.
* For students 7 years of age and older who were not immunized prior to their 7th birthday, a total of 3 doses of Td, Polio & Hepatitis B and 2 doses of Varicella and MMR are required.
For more information on immunizations or exemptions, please contact your school nurse.