Teacher-Librarian Roles

Roles of the Teacher-Librarian

      The School Library Media Center is the link between teachers, students and the resources needed to enhance learning.  To create and maintain this link, the Library Media Specialist fills the roles of teacher, instructional partner, information specialist, parent partner, and media center coordinator. 

I.  As a Teacher

     The Media Specialist’s primary role is one of teacher.  Working with teachers, students, and parents, the Media Specialist creates a learning environment based on best practices.   The District’s curriculum  is the basis for lesson development.  Strategies and skills taught in the Media Center apply to lifelong success not just success in the Media Center.
II.  As an Instructional  Partner  
      As an instructional partner the School Library Media Specialist (SLMS):
          a.  Collaborates with classroom teachers to plan units of study.
          b.  Enhances classroom curriculum and learning strategies.
          c.  Aides in curriculum planning and assessments.
          d.  Selects the right technology to enhance curriculum instruction.
III.  As an Information Specialist
     The information glut created by the World Wide Web stresses the importance of developing students' information literacy skills.  Simply accessing vast amounts of information does not insure learning.  For students to effectively use information, they must acquire the skills needed to not only obtain information but evaluate and manage it.  The Media Center prepares learners to be more than retrievers of information, but creators of knowledge.
IV.  As a Parent Partner
      Providing services to parents is one way the Media Center extends teaching beyond its walls.   When teachers and parents work as partners, opportunities are created for students to apply their newly learned skills to every day settings.
V.  As a Media Center Coordinator
      As the Media Center Coordinator the Media Specialist manages the day to day operations of the center.